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Products /  Glow plug


ISKRA glow plugs


ISKRA factoryReliable and properly working glow plugs are playing the main role in every idle launching. Thanks to intensive research and innovative design effort under the brand ISKRA are produced top level glow plugs.

Hidria AET is part of Slovene corporation Hidria, based in Spodnja Idrija, focused on development, manufacture and marketing of systems and components for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, automotive industry and power tools.

Today the AET trademark, oriented to the global market, has been known in 38 countries worldwide and established on the French, the Italian, the British, the Austrian, the German and the American markets.
The products have also been known on the markets of the former Yugoslavia, in the Czech Republic, Finland, Turkey, Lithuania, Iran and Algeria. With products from the Diesel product line, precisely with the cooling liquid heating plugs, AET covers as much as 95% of needs of the whole French market, hence of Peugeot, Citroën and Renault car manufacturers. Besides, Ford corporation covers 100% of its needs for the above plugs by purchasing AET made plugs through Visteon.

ISKRA factory in Slovenia

The plant was founded in 1955 as a light engineering manufacturer. Since that the production has expended greatly. The production fits all the quality certificates: in 1994 the company received the ISO 9001 quality certificate and in 2002 the company received the ISO 14001 environment certificate.

ISKRA glow plugs secure quick ignition and ecologically clean burning even below zero, ensuring the best burning conditions for the fuel due to the thermal energy delivered to the firing chamber.

Diesel engine principle of operation is based on self firing of the air-fuel mixture at temperature 7000C, which is obtained in the firing chamber in result of pressure rise in compression stroke. While starting the cold engine especially in winter – due to the low air drown in temperature and its cooling in contact with cooled piping walls and ignition camera – the temperature in the end of the compression stroke is appeared to be lower than needed for self-ignition of the air-fuel mixture. The engine does not starts certainly. That’s why into the ignition camera or rarely into the intake duct was installed electrical heating element – glow plugs, which helix is supplied with electricity.

glow plugs

Depending of the heater element characteristics to operating temperature glow plugs going in time from a few seconds to one minute. For example AET manufactures glow plugs according to the pre-heating time during which the glow plug reaches the temperatures between 850°C and 1000°C: Super rapid glow plugs: 3 seconds. Rapid glow plugs: 7-10 seconds. Glow plugs for standard applications: 20 seconds.

About the process running the driver is informed by the yellow indicator lamp with a helix symbol in the gage board. The lamp goes out, when the plugs are hot enough, it is the signal for the starter to turn on. Though the glow plugs in some systems remain burning after the engine start in the phase of warming, what increases the stability of the diesel work, fastens the warming, as well as decreases the toxicity of the exhaust and noise level.

The main function of glow plug is supply with additional energy during the start. ISKRA glow plugs is the source of energy needed. They are nested into the cylinder head. The stem of a glow plug sticks out the firing chamber or the precombustion chamber. However a stem of a glow plug must be placed at the border of air-fuel mixture swirl. Thus it could direct the where it is needed. However it shouldn’t stick to the firing chamber too far, as fuel and air-fuel mixture preparation will not be guarantied. Before the engine start voltage is given to the glow plug and thanks to it a glowing tube heats up to 800°Ñ. This heating greatly improves the ability to cold start. Besides glow plug heat emission optimizes the burning, so decreases smoke emission and other emissions.

glow plugs in work

Glow plugs are under impact of burning fuel. That’s why it should sustain influence of heavy heating, high pressure, vibration and corrosive agents. Besides it must reach working temperature quickly and have long term durability.

ISKRA plugs meet all the requirements. Besides glow plugs need manual or automatic control, insuring the long term tension supply. The system is often supplemented with alarm lamp, showing the state of preliminary heating.

To be environment friendly ISKRA glow plugs reduce white-blue smoke emission. Thanks to residual glow fuel burns completely, smoke emission is reduced by 49 percent.

Also ISKRA glow plugs exclude knock during the cold start. Fuel burns more steady and fully; while more energy is released, and temperature in combustion chamber is rising faster.

The rest is just to choose the necessary glow plug. Primary and the most reliable information about the plugs is containing in each car technical specification. It’s the most reliable information. If it is no information, you may use the glow plug manufactures catalogs, where by make of a car, model year, engine type you may choose an analog from this or that manufacturer. Detailed catalog ISKRA AET you may find with a link therein under. There you may find ISKRA plugs for the most cars used, as well as for cargo and tractor vehicles.

ISKRA assortment

While buying you should ask the certificate of conformity – the document, confirming the quality of products. For ISKRA AET glow plugs we have all necessary certificates. While buying pay attention to the quality of the electrodeposit body covering – it should not have any damage. The presence of heat tints on the body is a consequence of hot assembly technology. It is the sign of quality. Ceramic isolator shouldn’t have any chips or cracks.

Thereby the main criteria for glow plug choice is quality. Quality consists of: design, technology, components, assembly place controlled parameters etc. But be aware! In our market appear a lot of poor glow plugs. There we can state a lot of reasons.

The first is the products produced with technology failure in many assembling works all over the world.

The second is imitations. Unfortunately you could easily find some ISKRA imitations.

The third – specific of former Soviet Union – assembling of illegally bought parts with simplified technology.

Foreign business “Schigerd” is ISKRA AET (Slovenia) distributor in Belarus. Original ISKRA glow plugs you could always purchase here and our prices are the best in Belarus


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