Ðóññêèé | English
605-889, 605-890 44 539-90-46 (Velcom)
29 783-15-51 (MTC)
Company /  About us

SCHIGERD TRADE— is a foreign business, the main working sphere of which is the whole-sale of car spare parts to the import cars.

We would like our customers to feel comfortable and secure on the road. To keep this aim, we import only high-quality spare parts that have passed a tough selection and control. The foremost work out and strengthened (special) construction fulfillment are ideal in the application sphere and are specially adapted to a specific climatic and road conditions of exploitation in Eastern Europe.

Modern logistic systems permit to gain the wide range of products and the optimal ware-house store.

Our own ware-houses, constant decrease of imposed outlay and contracts on the direct delivery of goods from the producing works, let us sell the products at the most profitable for our clients prices and also provide them with range of extra advantages:

  • A flexible discount system.
  • Providing all the necessary documents and certificates
  • Different variants of the product’s delivery are available to the clients in various regions and by any means of transport suitable to the buyer
  • Information and advertisement support
  • Constantly enlarging range of products

Great attention in the company is paid to the level of service, herewith the staff is combined of great professionals who can not only sell spare parts, but also provede a skilful technical assistance.


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Grodno, Karskogo, 4G A
Tel.: +375-152-605889, +375-44-5399046,